Graduate Program Chair
James Alicata, PhD
Graduate Committee
Matthew McGee, MEd, MBA |
Robert Peach, MEd |
Wayne Whitfield, PhD |
Program Objectives
The graduate program in occupational education is designed for students who have earned a baccalaureate degree in technology education or vocational education and want increased awareness and knowledge of current issues and trends in occupational education. The program develops an individual’s professional competencies in relation to their career goals in education and provides advanced study of the principles and practices of educational research.
Program Description
The MEd in Occupational Education Program consists of 36 credits to be completed in a suggested sequence within six years. The course sequence has been designed to ensure quality and provide flexibility to serve the variety of student interests and professional needs. A program advisor assists each student with the planned sequence, and advises the selection electives (12 semester hours) to meet individual goals and interests.
Courses offered at various regional vocational high schools. In addition, many of the courses are also available online.
Admissions Standards and Criteria
To apply for enrollment in the Master of Education in Occupational Education Program, a student must submit documents as outlined in the Graduate Admission section as well as:
- Documentation of standard certification or vocational teacher approval
Program Requirements
The MEd in Occupational Education program consists of 36 credits to be completed in a suggested sequence within six years.
Total credits are divided between:
- Twenty-four semester hours of required courses
- Twelve semester hours of electives designed to allow the vocational educator to develop specific skills relative to their career goals
It is recommended that students take OCED 7250 - Research and Statistics in Occupational Education , early in the program. All electives must be approved by the program advisor prior to enrollment in the courses.