Chairperson |
Michael Nosek |
Professors | Associate Professors | Assistant Professors |
Christopher Cratsley (Biology) | Dennis Awasabisah (Chemistry) | Elizabeth Kilpatrick (Biology) |
Margaret Hoey (Biology) | Emma Downs (Chemistry) | |
Ronald Krieser (Biology) | Steven Fiedler (Chemistry) | |
John Ludlam (Biology) | Lisa Grimm (Biology) | |
Michael Nosek (Biology) | Mathangi Krishnamurthy (Chemistry) | |
Christopher Picone (Biology) | Aisling O’Connor (Chemistry) | |
Erin Rehrig (Biology) | Billy Samulak (Chemistry) | |
Sean Rollins (Biology) | Eric Williams (Biology) | |
Daniel Welsh (Biology) | | |
Objectives for the Program in Biology
Fitchburg State University offers a biology program that emphasizes basic scientific principles while challenging students. The Department of Biology and Chemistry has a rich history of producing successful graduates in secondary education, biotechnology, environmental biology and health sciences. Our faculty foster a supportive teaching and learning environment, offer individual attention to students, and provide numerous undergraduate and graduate research opportunities. The Biology and Chemistry Club sponsors social events to encourage interaction between students and faculty. The department also offers courses in laboratory science for other majors.
Student Learning Outcomes
The Biology and Chemistry Department believes that every student deserves a first-class education. We are educators at Fitchburg State because our personal values align with the campus values of equity and excellence. We strive to ensure that our students have the best of what we can offer them as they gain an in-depth knowledge of science that is part of a larger interdisciplinary, multicultural liberal arts and sciences education.
In order to achieve our mission, we undertake to:
- Produce students who are well prepared for diverse careers or advanced study in the biological and chemical sciences or related disciplines as well as gain the skills necessary to successfully adapt to future changes within their disciplines.
- Build lasting relationships with students that will advance their professional growth by recognizing the unique needs of each individual and reflecting our passion for engagement in authentic learning experiences.
- Maintain a high level of scholarly activity in a variety of fields associated with biology, chemistry and science education.
- Serve the needs of the university and specific academic departments through our curricular offerings and involvement in the university community.
- Endeavor to demonstrate leadership as stewards of the environment.
- Provide state of the art pedagogical approaches as well as utilize appropriate equipment, technology, and resources for teaching, learning and research in the sciences and science education.
- Work to support the University’s mission of providing leadership and support for the economic, environmental, social, and cultural needs of North Central Massachusetts and the Commonwealth.
Biology Program Learning Outcomes
Demonstrate content knowledge of the AAAS BioCore, with topics in:
- Evolution
- Transformations of Energy and Matter
- Information Flow, Exchange and Storage
- Structure and Function
- Systems
Conduct original biological research.
- Clearly articulate testable questions and hypotheses
- Design and execute experiments
- Analyze data using appropriate statistical methods
- Summarize data concisely with graphs, tables or images
- Draw appropriate conclusions
- Demonstrate safe practices in laboratory and field
Communicate science orally and in writing.
- Present information in a clear and organized manner
- Write well-organized and concise reports in a scientifically appropriate style
- Use relevant technology in communications.
- Communicate to a general audience
Use scientific literature.
- Retrieve information efficiently and effectively by searching the biological literature
- Evaluate scientific articles critically
- Cite sources appropriately
Requirements for the Major in Biology
All Biology majors are required to take four core courses and six advanced BIOL electives (>2000) including a Capstone course, for a total of 36 credits.
The core biology courses include student laboratory work so that students develop the skills of scientific inquiry. Students develop scientific literacy through reading, writing, testing hypotheses, and quantitative analysis. Core courses also integrate computer literacy through lab activities.
Core courses required in the Biology major
Additional Requirements
Biology majors also take six advanced electives at or above BIOL 2000. Independent study, directed study or internship may each count as one advanced BIOL elective in a student’s program of study. Courses with a separate lecture and lab registration count as a single elective: the lab portion of a course does not constitute a distinct biology elective.
One of the six electives must be a designated Capstone course. Students in the Capstone course conduct a research project to demonstrate their skills in research design and analysis.
Biology majors must earn a minimum grade of 2.0 in General Biology I and General Chemistry I. If a grade below 2.0 is earned in either course, that course must be repeated before enrolling in any subsequent BIOL or CHEM classes. They are also limited to two attempts for each of General Biology I and General Chemistry I. If Biology majors earn <2.0 or a W in a second attempt, they must find another major that more closely matches their skills and interests.
Capstone course options
Capstone courses must be taken at Fitchburg State: courses that transfer as the equivalent course will not fulfill this requirement. Independent studies (BIOL 4903 ) require approval by the departmental curriculum committee in order to fulfill the Capstone requirement.
Required courses in related sciences
In addition to BIOL courses, Bachelor of Science (BS) students are required to take courses in related sciences and two courses in mathematics at or above MATH 1300 .
Required General Education Courses
Career Options
The Biotechnology concentration in the B.S. Biology major is designed to direct students to courses that will introduce them to many of the new techniques and instrumentation used in academic research, biotechnology, pharmaceutical and medical research laboratories as well as government laboratories. In addition to providing an understanding of the principles underlying these technologies, many of the courses are laboratory-based where students gain hands-on experience with several of these cutting-edge laboratory techniques.