Aug 31, 2024  
Fitchburg State University 2012-2013 Undergraduate Catalog 
Fitchburg State University 2012-2013 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


Students who seek a quality education are invited to apply for admission to Fitchburg State University. Fitchburg State welcomes applications from high school graduates, students returning to college after a hiatus, transfer students, and international students. After careful review of the application and supporting materials, admission is offered to students whose secondary school and/or university records and backgrounds offer the promise of a successful and satisfying undergraduate experience.

Undergraduate Admissions

Admission Standards

Fitchburg State University is committed to providing excellent, accessible, and affordable lifelong learning opportunities in undergraduate, graduate and continuing education. The university seeks students who are motivated to achieve academic excellence, and who represent a broad variety of backgrounds and interests.

With the guiding principles of quality, access and diversity in mind, Fitchburg State has adopted admission standards which support the standards established by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. These standards provide a framework for the individual evaluation of each applicant to the university.

Campus Visits

The admissions staff encourages all applicants to visit the Fitchburg State University campus. A variety of visitation programs, including information sessions and student guided tours, are available to people interested in learning more about the university and its programs. For up to date information on visitation options, please visit our website at

Interviews are not required, but can provide the Admissions Committee with helpful information. Applicants who desire to have an interview are invited to call the Admissions Office for an appointment.

Admissions Office Hours

Monday-Thursday: 8 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Friday: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Student Guided Tours

Monday–Friday at 11:30 a.m. and 2:00 p.m.

For information about open house programs, individual interviews, other visitation options and to receive admissions materials contact the Admissions Office at:

Admissions Office
Fitchburg State University
160 Pearl Street
Fitchburg, MA 01420-2697
Telephone: (978) 665-3144/(800) 705-9692
Web site:


Application Filing Dates

All materials should be submitted as early as possible. Recommended filing dates for the fall and spring semesters are listed below. Applicants to the film and video, photography, and nursing programs should submit a completed application by January 1 for fall entrance and by November 1 for spring entrance. We accept freshman and transfer applications for Communications Media for spring entrance. We accept transfer, but not freshman applications for Nursing for spring entrance. It is important to know that space is very limited in the spring for both Communications Media and Nursing applications.

Fall Semester

First Year Students: March 1
Transfer Students: April 15

Spring Semester

First Year Students: December 1
Transfer Students: December 1

Fitchburg State University employs a rolling admissions policy. Applications are reviewed and admission decisions are made as files become complete. We notify students on a continuous basis, beginning in mid December for fall applicants. We begin notifying spring applicants in mid-fall.

There are no deadlines for applications to evening programs, which are accepted year-round.

Application Procedure

Application Procedures—First-Time University Students

To be considered for admission to the university, applicants must submit the following to the Admissions Office:

  • A completed Application for Admission and application fee
  • Official high school transcript including first-quarter senior year grades. Applicants who have completed a GED should also submit official test results.

Secondary School Preparation

  • Applicants are required to complete a minimum of 16 college-preparatory units in the following disciplines. (A unit is equivalent to one full school year of study).
    • English: 4 units
    • Mathematics: 3 units (includes: Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry/Trigonometry, or comparable coursework)
    • Science: 3 units (includes 2 units of laboratory science)
    • Social Science: 2 units (includes one unit of U.S. History)
    • Foreign Language: 2 units (one language)
    • University Preparatory Electives: 2 units (from the above disciplines, or from the arts, humanities or sciences)
  • Additional work in the math and sciences is strongly recommended, particularly for students intending to major in the sciences or nursing.
  •  If an applicant graduated from a high school that did not offer the required academic units and that high school has received a waiver from the Department of Higher Education, the applicant may substitute other university preparatory electives.
    Students submitting the GED must also submit a high school transcript reflecting work completed while attending high school.
    • Official SAT or the ACT scores.*
      *Applicants with documented learning disabilities are exempt from taking any standardized university entrance aptitude test for admittance to any public institution in Massachusetts (M.G.L. Chapter 15A, Sec 30)
    • A 300-word essay describing educational goals and motivation to attend Fitchburg State University.
    • Letters of recommendation, while not required, are helpful in the evaluation process and are strongly recommended for applicants to the nursing, film and video, and photography programs.
    • A resume of activities if time has lapsed between the time of high school graduation and applying to Fitchburg State University.

Applications are reviewed as they become complete and on a continuous basis, beginning in early December for fall applicants.

Acceptance to Fitchburg State University is contingent upon graduation from high school or equivalent preparation (GED). Students who attend public high schools in Massachusetts and intend to enroll at Fitchburg State University must meet the state standards for the competency determination (measured by the MCAS tests or Performance Appeals Process in English language arts and mathematics) as well as local graduation requirements.

Application Procedures—Special Admissions Applicants

Applicants with documented learning disabilities or English as a Second Language (ESL) backgrounds, or who are graduating from vocational-technical schools may be eligible for application requirement exception allowances. These exceptions reflect the minimum admission standards as stated by the Massachusetts Department of Higher Education. Meeting minimum standards for admission does not guarantee admission for any applicant.

English as a Second Language applicants must complete the 16 required university preparatory courses with two exceptions:

  • ESL applicants may substitute up to two university preparatory electives for the two required foreign language courses, and
  • ESL applicants may substitute up to two years of university preparatory ESL English courses for university preparatory English courses, provided they achieve a 213 on the computer-based Test of English as a Foreign Language test (TOEFL). ESL students must meet all other admission standards for first-time university students, including SAT or ACT requirements.

Declaring a disability at the time of application and supplying complete documentation is voluntary. Applicants who present documentation and testing supporting a professionally diagnosed learning disability are exempt from taking standardized college entrance aptitude tests for admittance to any public institution in the Commonwealth (M.G.L. Chapter 15A, Sec. 30). Such students, however, must complete the 16 required college preparatory courses with the following exception:

  • An applicant may substitute two college preparatory electives for the two required foreign language courses if the applicant presents an Individual Education Plan (or the equivalent under Chapter 766 or Chapter 344) and the results of a psycho-educational evaluation completed within the past three years that provides a specific diagnosis of a language based learning disability. For a full description of documentation requirements, visit

Vocational-technical students must complete 16 college preparatory courses, distributed in the same manner and with the same minimum grade point averages required of other high school graduates, with the following exceptions:

  • Two vocational-technical courses may be used to fulfill the two required electives.
  • Vocational-technical high school graduates who do not complete the two required college preparatory foreign language courses must complete an additional elective college preparatory course, for a total of three such courses, and satisfy one of the following: one Carnegie unit of a foreign language, a fourth Carnegie unit of mathematics or science, or one Carnegie unit of computer science.

Meeting minimum standards for admission does not guarantee admission for any applicant.

Application Procedures—International Students

Fitchburg State University seeks a culturally diverse campus and welcomes applications from students from other countries. Students on F-1 or J-1 visas must study on a full-time basis and are not eligible for state or federal financial aid.

International students must complete their applications by the deadlines listed below. The Admissions Office cannot guarantee that students completing applications after the published deadline will receive an admission decision in time to process visa requests. Accordingly, late applications may be deferred a semester at the discretion of the Admissions Office.

  • Fall Semester deadline: March 15 - for undergraduate students seeking on-campus housing.
                                       July 15 - if not seeking on-campus housing.
  • Spring Semester deadline: December 1

In addition to the basic admissions requirements for new and transfer students, international students must submit and/or meet the additional requirements listed below:

Application fee ($25 non-refundable for undergraduate or $50 non-refundable for graduate application)

Official high school/college transcripts

  • All documents must be official – signed and stamped.
  • All documents in foreign languages must be translated into English. If the translation is done by a translation agency or individual other than the school you have attended, the documents must be notarized.
  • If you are a transfer student attending a college/university in your home country or countries other than the United States, a Course-by-Course transcript evaluation must be completed by an accredited credential evaluation agency.
  • The following are some suggested organizations that provide foreign credential evaluation services:+

English Proficiency Test Scores are required if your first language or primary language spoken is not English, with the following exceptions:

  • If you have earned a secondary school, associate’s (AA or AAS), bachelor’s or master’s degree from a college/university in the United States or another English speaking country.
  • If you are from Great Britain, Ireland, Australia, Canada, Guyana, New Zealand, or an English speaking country of the Caribbean.

Either one of the following English proficiency tests will be acceptable:

  • TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language. Fitchburg State University’s code is 3518)

The minimum passing score is

  • TOEFL PBT (paper-based)
  • TOEFL iBT (internet-based)


  • Official test results must be sent from the testing agency to the Admissions Office and must be dated within the past five years. For more information about the TOEFL test, please visit 

Proof of Financial Support: If you plan to study at Fitchburg State University under an F-1 or J-1 visa, you must complete and submit the following forms along with the appropriate financial documentation with your application for admission.

  • The Statement of Finances Form
  • Affidavit of Financial Support Form
    Your I-20 (Certificate of Eligibility for Non-Immigrant Student Status) for F-1 student visa status can only be issued if you have been offered admission and have submitted the required financial documentation.

If you transfer from another institution in the United States, you must also submit the following additional documents:

  • A copy of I-94 and VISA
  • A copy of passport (pages containing photo and demographic information)
  • copies of all previous I-20’s
  • Transfer Verification Form (signed by current foreign student advisor).

Application Procedures—Non-Traditional Students

A non-traditional student is a student who does not enter college immediately after completing high school. Generally the student has experience in a career, at home, or in the military.

Admissions requirements are similar to those of any new student including:

  • High school transcript and/or GED
  • SAT or ACT scores if student has been out of high school for three or less years
  • Letters of recommendation
  • Resumé of activities showing life experience

Part-Time Non-Degree Seeking Students

A non-degree seeking student is a high school graduate who is not applying for a degree program but wishes to enroll in university courses. These students may enroll in a maximum of three courses or 11 credits per term. Course registration for non-degree seeking students is scheduled after the degree-seeking students have registered. Non-degree seeking students (those not enrolled in degree or certificate programs) may take courses for which they have fulfilled any specified prerequisites.

Honors Program Applicants

The university encourages academically talented applicants to consider its Honors Program. The Honors Program is characterized by the following:

  • Unique, innovative curriculum and courses with other honors students
  • Small class sizes and close interaction with professors
  • A Fitchburg State University Honors scholarship
  • Early class registration privileges
  • Recognition at graduation as a Massachusetts Commonwealth Scholar

Admission to the Honors Program is selective, based on several factors including: grade point average, SATor ACT scores and participation in Honors or Advanced Placement Courses. The selection committee also considers letters of recommendation, history of community service, extracurricular interests, and other activities which demonstrate leadership potential. A separate application is not required.

Alternate Admission Programs

The university supports two alternate admission programs for students who either do not meet the admission criteria established for Massachusetts state universities or have non-traditional backgrounds: the Fitchburg State University/ Mount Wachusett Community College Institute and the Summer Bridge Program. Both programs require students to submit the regular application for admission; no additional application is required. For more information on these programs, please contact the Admissions Office.

The Fitchburg State University/Mount Wachusett Community College Institute

The Institute is a collaborative program sponsored by Mount Wachusett Community College and Fitchburg State University to serve the needs of a select group of students who demonstrate the potential to succeed at a four-year residential university but who currently do not meet the admission standards set forth by the Massachusetts Department of Higher Education. The Institute provides the opportunity for students to begin their college coursework at Mount Wachusett Community College while living on the Fitchburg State University campus. At the conclusion of each semester, Fitchburg State University evaluates institute students’ Mount Wachusett Community College transcripts; if students meet the transfer requirements they are eligible to matriculate at Fitchburg State the next semester.

Students enrolled in the Institute benefit from Fitchburg State University and Mount Wachusett Community College’s long-standing tradition of collaboration, articulation agreements, close proximity to each other, a shared regional transportation system, and a commitment to support students’ academic, co-curricular, and social development. Participants in the institute are required to live on campus. Institute students receive:

  • On-campus housing at Fitchburg State University
  • Coordinated academic advising, academic assessment and orientation programming
  • Access to selected student activities on both campuses. (While students are enrolled at Mount Wachusett Community College, they are not eligible for intercollegiate athletics, elected office in student government, or Greek Life at Fitchburg State University.)
  • Complete access to all student support services at both institutions

The Summer Bridge Program

The Summer Bridge Program is designed to provide educational opportunities for recent high school graduates who demonstrate the potential to succeed at Fitchburg State University, but who currently do not meet the admission standards set forth by the Massachusetts Department of Higher Education. The program provides supportive services and academic preparation for a select group of students who are conditionally accepted to the university. Students participate in a drive-in program that meets four days a week for five weeks in July and August. The eight-university-credit program includes:

  • Literacy and writing instruction based on placement test performance
  • Mathematics readiness instruction based on placement test performance
  • Academic transition seminars, activities and experiences regarding learning strategies, study skills, time management, tutoring and related topics
  • The opportunity to complete one LA&S (general education) course
  • Exposure and contact with the variety of academic support services available at the university

Students who complete the Summer Bridge Program with a minimum 2.0 grade point average and the recommendation of the Summer Bridge coordinator will be fully admitted to the university in the fall term.

Transfer Admissions

Application Procedures—Transfer Students

Transfer students who want to be considered for admission to the university must meet the following criteria:

  • A grade point average of 2.0 or better with 24 or more transferable credits from a regionally accredited college or university or a grade point average of 2.5 or better with 12 to 23 transferable credits. Having such an average, however, does not guarantee admission to the university.
  • If a prospective student has 23 or fewer transferable credits and a GPA between 2.5 and 2.0, the student’s high school work must also satisfy admission requirements for first-year students.

The following credentials must be submitted:

  • A completed Application for Admission and application fee
  • Official transcripts from all previously attended colleges
  • A 300-word essay describing your educational goals and motivation to attend Fitchburg State
  • A final high school transcript. Applicants who have completed a GED should also submit official test results. Transfer applicants who have earned an associate’s degree are not required to submit high school or GED information.
  • Official SAT and/or ACT test scores for applicants who are subject to first-year admission standards, and have been out of school three years or less (see above)

Evaluation of Credit

The amount of credit that will transfer into a Fitchburg State University program is determined after an applicant has been accepted to the university. Transfer credit is normally granted for courses completed at regionally accredited colleges and universities, for which the student received a 2.0 (C) or better, and which correspond with those offered at Fitchburg State University. Courses which do not fit the degree program may be counted as fulfilling the free elective requirements of the four-year curriculum.

Students transferring from two-year institutions will be entitled to a maximum of two years of credit (60 semester hours). Students transferring from baccalaureate level institutions may be entitled to more, but they may not transfer more than 50% of the total credit hours required in their major. They also must complete a minimum of 45 credit hours in residence in order to receive a degree from Fitchburg State University.

The grade point average from previously attended colleges and universities is dropped, and a new GPA is established, reflecting the student’s performance while attending Fitchburg State University.

For some transfer students, the requirements and provisions of the Commonwealth Transfer Compact apply. The complete text of the Compact is printed following this section.

Placement Testing

The Admissions Office will provide your SAT or ACT scores to the Placement Test Center. Students who have a critical reading SAT score between 500 and 599 (or English ACT between 21 and 26) are exempt from taking the Reading placement test. Also, students who have a critical reading SAT score of 600 or above (or ACT of 27) are exempt from the Reading and Writing placement tests. Students who have earned a score of 3.0 or better on the Advanced Placement (AP) English Examination are exempt from the reading and writing placement exams.

Most transfer students have college credits for Writing I and therefore do not need to complete the Reading Comprehension or Essay Placement exams. However, transfer students must take the Algebra test if a math course is needed to meet graduation requirements. Transfer Nursing students are required to pass the Algebra  placement Test even if they have transferred in the required Applied Statistics course. Students who have college level transfer credit for Calculus I or higher are exempt from taking the Algebra placement test. Also, students who have transferred mathematics courses that will satisfy the graduation requirement for their major are not required to take the Algebra Placement Test.

MassTransfer Compact

Chapter 15A, Section 9 (v) of the General Laws of Massachusetts includes within the powers and duties of the Department of Higher Education to “develop and implement a transfer compact for the purpose of facilitating and fostering the transfer of students without the loss of academic credit or standing from one public institution to another.”

In June 2008, the Department of Higher Education accepted the Final Report from the Commonwealth Transfer Advisory Group which included a new statewide transfer policy: MassTransfer. MassTransfer seeks to provide a broad population of students with straightforward and understandable options toward the completion of associate and baccalaureate degrees, clearing the way for student access and student success in Massachusetts’ public higher education system.

MassTransfer has two main purposes:

  • to provide community college students who complete approved associate degrees under MassTransfer with the benefits of the full transfer and applicability of credit, guaranteed admission, and a tuition discount (each benefit based on the student’s final grade point average) to linked baccalaureate programs; and
  • to provide any student in the Massachusetts public higher education system the intermediate goal of completing a portable transfer block (“MassTransfer Block”) which satisfies general education/distribution/core requirements across institutions (with the receiving institution able to add no more than six additional credits/two courses).

MassTransfer integrates and replaces the Commonwealth Transfer Compact, Joint Admissions, and the Tuition Advantage Program as of fall 2009. Community college students who matriculated prior to fall 2009 and who choose to continue in the Commonwealth Transfer Compact and/or Joint Admissions Program will be required to complete their associate degrees by August 2013 and must matriculate at a Massachusetts state college or University of Massachusetts campus by fall 2014.

Students matriculating in fall 2009 as well as currently enrolled students may accumulate courses leading toward the completion of an approved associate degree under MassTransfer or the MassTransfer Block. The policy benefits will apply to students who complete either an approved associate degree or the MassTransfer Block beginning fall 2010, regardless of initial date of enrollment.

A student seeking readmission as a matriculated student to an institution previously attended—whether on a full-time or part-time basis—is held to the receiving institution’s readmission policies. However, if eligible for readmission, the receiving institution is strongly encouraged to honor the MassTransfer policy.

See MassTransfer Web site at

Appeals regarding MassTransfer status should be forwarded to the Dean of Student & Academic Life

The Elementary Education Compact

For students transferring from Massachusetts community colleges to public colleges and universities offering elementary education licensure at the baccalaureate level who agree to the compact.

Section I. Requirement for Elementary Education Compact Status

A student shall be eligible for Elementary Education Compact status if they have met the following requirements:

  • Completed an associate degree with a minimum of 60 credit hours exclusive of developmental coursework;
  • Achieved a minimum cumulative grade point average of not less than 2.75 (in a 4.0 system) (Note: At their discretion, individual institutions may require a different grade point average.);
  • Completed the following 44-59 credit core, exclusive of developmental coursework. The core is designed to meet the requirements of both the Commonwealth Transfer Compact, and the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education’s regulations (see Section 7.05:1.b and Section 7.06:7.b of the Regulations for Educator Licensure and Preparation Program Approval (“Regulations”).).
  Composition/Writing 6 credits
  *Humanities and Social Science (9 credits of each)
18 credits

In addition, students must select courses that meet the following Department of Elementary and Secondary Education core content knowledge areas, bearing in mind that competency must be demonstrated in all these areas on the General Curriculum Test of the Massachusetts Test for Educator Licensure (MTEL). Students are required to complete coursework in these areas at both the lower and upper level; areas not covered by coursework at the community college will need to be completed after transfer.

  *Children’s Literature  
  American Literature  
  World Literature  
  British Literature  
  US History, colonial to present  
  World History, ancient to present (includes European History)
  US Government (including founding documents)  
  *Physical Science with lab or Appropriate Integrated Laboratory Science (appropriate to the Elementary School curriculum) 4 credits
  *Biological Science with lab or Appropriate Integrated Laboratory Science (appropriate to the Elementary School curriculum) 4 credits

*Mathematics (appropriate to the Elementary School curriculum) 6 credits

Child Development 3 credits
  Exploring Teaching/Foundations of Education with Pre-Practicum 3 credits
  Preparation courses for Academic Major after Transfer (These courses may also fulfill other core requirements listed above)
9-15 S.H.
  •  Achieved passing score on the Communication and Literacy Skills Test (CLST) of the MTEL.

The sending institution is responsible for identifying the transcript of each student who is a candidate for transfer under this compact.

* These courses should be from the appropriate department and not be education courses.

Section II : Credits to be Transferred

Students fulfilling the requirements of the Elementary Education Compact are guaranteed a minimum of 60 transfer credits, exclusive of developmental credit as defined by the Department of Higher Education, applied to their degree requirements at the state college or university. The credits will be applied as follows:

  • lower level arts and sciences coursework for the Route One requirements for the Initial Elementary Education Teacher License;
  • institutional general education requirements;
  • academic major requirements;
  • elementary education lower level requirements;
  • free electives.

Only college-level course credits consistent with the standards set forth in the undergraduate experience recommendations are included under this compact. Credits awarded by the sending institution through College Level Examination Program (CLEP), challenge examinations, and other lifeexperience evaluations for course credit will be included when the community college certifies that a student qualifies under this Compact.

Section III : Credits Beyond the Associate Degree

To complete the baccalaureate degree and receive elementary education licensure at the baccalaureate level, a student who transfers under this compact may not be required to take more than 68 additional credits at the receiving institution unless the requirements of the student’s academic major are such that the combination of additional requirements in arts and sciences coursework for the Route One requirements for the initial elementary education teacher license, institutional general education requirements, academic major requirements, and elementary education requirements total more than 68 credits.

Under these circumstances, transfer students will be subject to the same requirements as native students. (The term “native students” refers to students who began their undergraduate education at the baccalaureate institution.)

It is further understood that receiving institutions may require additional coursework if Department of Elementary and Secondary Education licensure requirements change during the course of the associate’s degree.

Section IV : Admission to Competitive Majors or Programs

If, because of space or fiscal limitations, the receiving institution does not admit all qualified applicants to a given major or program, the receiving institution will use the same criteria for applicants who are transfer students under this compact as it does for its native students.

Section V: Elementary Education Transfer Coordinating Committee

An Elementary Education Transfer Coordinating Committee, convened by the Department of Higher Education, will provide implementation and oversight of the Elementary Education Compact. The coordinating committee will consist of a total of 11 members: six members who are education faculty/administrators familiar with licensure regulations (two from the community colleges appointed by the Community College Executive Office, two from the state colleges appointed by the State College Council of Presidents Office and two from the university appointed by the President’s Office in consultation with the campuses); the three Joint Admissions Steering Committee co-chairs (one representing the community colleges, the state colleges and the university campuses, respectively); and representatives from the Massachusetts Department of Higher Education and the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.

The coordinating committee will monitor, evaluate and, when necessary, modify the administration of the Elementary Education Compact. In addition, the committee should implement guidelines that are consistent across the system to address such issues as: professional development, student advising, preparation for the Center for Language Studies and Speech Technology (CLST) of the Massachusetts Test for Education Licensure (MTEL), and curriculum development. The Elementary Education Transfer Coordinating Committee will work to create a system for evaluating the effectiveness of this compact, and will assist the campuses with developing courses that meet the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education’s core content knowledge areas.

Section VI : Publication of Requirements

Each public college and university that accepts this policy shall include in its official undergraduate catalog the provisions of the Elementary Education Compact. Each campus agrees to use its best effort to provide participating community college, state college or university campuses, respectively, with prompt notifications of changes in programs and curricula.

Section VII : Transfer Records

The student with Elementary Education Compact status will be furnished by the receiving institution a list of courses to be fulfilled to earn a bachelor’s degree no later than the end of the first semester at the receiving institution.

Section VIII : Student Appeals

A student who believes that the provisions of this compact have not been applied fairly to their transfer application has the right to appeal.

Initially, differences of interpretation regarding the award of transfer credit shall be resolved between the student and the institution. The student shall present their evaluation of the situation to the institution from which they are transferring. Representatives from the two institutions shall then have the opportunity to resolve the differences.

Absent a satisfactory resolution, differences of interpretation may be presented to the Joint Admissions Agreement Subcommittee for Appeals.

The Early Childhood Education Compact

For students transferring from Massachusetts community colleges to public colleges and universities offering Early Childhood Education licensure at the baccalaureate level and who agree to the compact.

Section I: Requirement for Early Childhood Education Compact Status

A student shall be eligible for Early Childhood Education Compact status if they have met the following requirements:

  • Achieved a passing score on the Communication and Literacy Skills Test (CLST) of the Massachusetts Test for Educator Licensure (MTEL) (Note: This requirement may be completed after receipt of the associate’s degree.)
  • Completed an associate’s degree with a minimum of 60 credit hours exclusive of developmental coursework
  • Achieved a minimum cumulative grade point average of not less than 2.75 (in a 4.0 system). (Note: At their discretion, individual institutions may require a different grade point average.)
  • Completed the following 45-60 credit core curriculum, exclusive of developmental coursework. The core is designed to meet the requirements of the Commonwealth Transfer Compact, the Department of Early Eduction and Care’s qualifications for professional child care workers (See 102 CMR 7.07(21) of the Standards for the Licensure or Approval of Group Child Care Centers and School Age Child Care Programs), and the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education’s regulations for licensure as an Early Childhood Teacher. (See Section 7.05 (1) and Section 7.06: (5) of the Regulations for Educator Licensure and Preparation Program Approval.)
  Composition/Writing 6 credits
  *Humanities & Social Science (9 credits of each)
18 credits

In addition, students should select courses from these areas that will help prepare them for the Subject Matter Test for Early Childhood Education of the Massachusetts Test for Educator Licensure (MTEL). Otherwise, they are unlikely to be able to meet the demands of the test and their baccalaureate degree in the 60-68 credits normally required upon transfer to a participating four-year institution. The topics listed below cover the humanities and social science topics that will be addressed in the subject matter test.

  *Children’s Literature (Students not taking this course must take 2 of the courses listed under “3-6 credits” below.)

History, Geography, Government, Economics

The Arts, basic principles and concepts. (Studio and performance courses will not prepare students for the MTEL.)

Early Childhood Growth and Development OR

Child Psychology course (Birth to age 8 is required for EEC certification.) (If course is offered by a Social Sciences department, it can be used to satisfy part of the 9 credits of Social Science required above.)
3 S.H.

Physical Science with lab or Appropriate Integrated Laboratory Science
4 S.H.

Biological Science with lab or Appropriate Integrated Laboratory Science
4 S.H.

Mathematics (Course should cover number sense and numeration; geometry and measurement; patterns and functions; and data analysis.) 3 S.H.

*This course should be a course from the appropriate department and not be an education course. 

  Early Childhood Education courses (All course curricula must address issues, adaptations, and procedures for children with diverse needs, including those with disabilities, those with limited English proficiency, and those who are gifted and talented. 12 S.H.

Introduction to Early Childhood Education with Field Experience (Should include foundations and state and national frameworks.)
3 S.H.
  Early Childhood Education Practicum: (Should be a capstone course of at least 150 hours over a minimum of 8 weeks in PreK-8 education (includes pre-school settings approved by EEC) and be accompanied by a theoretical component that integrates the practicum experience with previous classroom learning.) 3-6 S.H.

 Choose 1-2 courses from the following list of topics:

(Students who have not selected Children’s Literature will need 2. See note below.) 3-6 credits

  Course Addressing Issues, Adaptations and Procedures for Children with Special Needs (Should include I.E.P. preparation, implementation and evaluation. To qualify as an EEC “Children with special needs, birth-16 years” course, the course must specifically address inclusion of children with special needs under age 3.)  
  Early Childhood Curriculum*  
  Program Planning*  
  Behavior Management*
  Preparation courses for Academic Major after Transfer (Liberal arts and sciences courses may also fulfill other core requirements listed above.) OR
Additional Early Childhood Education courses provided they are transferable to specific institutions through separate articulation agreements or course equivalencies
9-15 credits

The sending institution is responsible for identifying on the transcript each student who is a candidate for transfer under this compact.

* One of these courses, in addition to Child Growth and Development, is required for EEC Lead Teacher Certification. Note: To qualify for EEC Lead Teacher, students must have four courses in Early Childhood. One must be Child Development, which is required in this transfer compact program, and another must be selected from among the asterisked courses listed above. The Introduction to Early Childhood Education will count as the third, and Children’s Literature can count as the fourth. Students who do not select Children’s Literature as one of their humanities/ social science courses will need to take two courses from the four
listed above.

Section II : Supplemental Material

In order to facilitate the transfer process and to document their future eligibility for licensure, students are strongly urged to create and maintain portfolios of their associate degree work. Portfolios should include course syllabi, papers and other student-created products, with particular emphasis on products that provide evidence of meeting the content and professional standards for teacher licensure. (See the Regulations for Teacher Licensure, Section 7.06 (5) and 7.08.)

Section III : Credits to be Transferred

Students fulfilling the requirements of the Early Childhood Education Compact are guaranteed a minimum of 60 transfer credits, exclusive of developmental credit as defined by the Department of Higher Education, applied to their degree requirements at the state college or university. The credits will be applied as follows:

  • institutional general education requirements;
  • academic major requirements;
  • early childhood education requirements;
  • free electives. 

Only college-level course credits consistent with the standards set forth in the undergraduate experience recommendations are included under this compact. Credits awarded by the sending institution through College Level Examination Program (CLEP), challenge examinations, and other lifeexperience evaluations for course credit will be included when the community college certifies that a student qualifies under this compact.

Section IV: Credits Beyond the Associate Degree

To complete the baccalaureate degree and receive early childhood education licensure at the baccalaureate level, a student who transfers under this compact may not be required to take more than 68 additional credits at the receiving institution unless the requirements of the student’s academic major are such that:

The combination of additional requirements in institutional general education requirements, academic major requirements, and early childhood education requirements total more than 68 credits.

Under these circumstances, transfer students will be subject to the same requirements as native students. (The term “native students” refers to students who began their undergraduate education at the baccalaureate institution.)

It is further understood that receiving institutions may require additional coursework if Department of Elementary and Secondary Education licensure requirements change during the course of the associate’s degree.

Section V: Admission to Competitive Majors or Programs

If because of space or fiscal limitations the receiving institution does not admit all qualified applicants to a given major or program, the receiving institution will use the same criteria for applicants who are transfer students under this compact as it does for its native students.

Section VI : Early Childhood Education Transfer Coordinating Committee

An Early Childhood Education Transfer Coordinating Committee, convened by the Department of Higher Education, will provide implementation and oversight of the Early Childhood Education Compact. The Coordinating Committee will consist of a total of 11 members: six members who are education faculty/administrators familiar with licensure regulations (two from the community colleges appointed by the community college executive office, two from the state colleges appointed by the State College Council of Presidents Office and two from the University  appointed by the President’s Office in consultation with thecampuses); the three Joint Admissions Steering Committee co-chairs (one representing the community colleges, the state colleges and the university campuses, respectively); and a representative from each of the following: the Massachusetts Department of Higher Education, the Office of Early Education Care, the Department of Elementary  and Secondary Education and child care providers.

The coordinating committee will monitor, evaluate and, when necessary, modify the administration of the Early Childhood Education Compact. In addition, the Committee should implement guidelines that are consistent across the system to address such issues as: professional development, student advising, preparation for the Center for Language Studies and Speech Technology (CLST) of Massachusetts Test for Education Licensure (MTEL), and curriculum development. The Early Childhood Education Transfer Coordinating Committee will work to create a system for evaluating the effectiveness of this compact, and will assist the campuses with developing courses that meet the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education’s core content knowledge requirements and the Office of Early Education Cares’ professional child care requirements for certification.

Section VII : Publication of Requirements

Each public college and university that accepts this policy shall include in its official undergraduate catalog the provisions of the Early Childhood Education Compact. Each campus agrees to use its best effort to provide participating community college, state college or university campuses, respectively, with prompt notifications of changes in programs and curricula. 

Section VIII : Transfer Records

The student with Early Childhood Education Compact status will be furnished by the receiving institution a list of courses to be fulfilled to earn a bachelor’s degree no later than the end of the first semester at the receiving institution.

Section IX: Student Appeals

A student who believes that the provisions of this compact have not been applied fairly to their transfer application has the right to appeal.

Initially, differences of interpretation regarding the award of transfer credit shall be resolved between the student and the institution. The student shall present their evaluation of the situation to the institution from which they are transferring. Representatives from the two institutions shall then have the opportunity to resolve the differences.

Absent a satisfactory resolution, differences of interpretation may be presented to the Joint Admissions Agreement Subcommittee for Appeals. 

New England Regional Student Program

This program enables residents of Connecticut, Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont to be considered for admission to programs of study not offered by public colleges in their home states. Applicants selected under this program are granted reduced tuition rates (50% above regular in-state tuition, rather than full out-of-state tuition).

Current eligible programs include:

  Communications Media CT, ME, NH, RI   Criminal Justice RI   Earth Systems Science RI, VT   Industrial Technology NH, RI, VT   Occupational/Vocational Education CT, VT   Special Education NH, VT   Technology Education ME, NH, VT


For further information, please contact the Admissions Office or the New England Board of Higher Education, 45 Temple Place, Boston, MA 02111.

Army Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC)

Fitchburg State University students may participate in the U.S. Army Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) unit at Fitchburg State University. Qualified U.S. citizens who earn their degree from Fitchburg State University and satisfactorily complete the ROTC program requirements will be commissioned as second lieutenants in the United States Army. ROTC offers two, three and four-year scholarship opportunities to qualified individuals. For more details about the Department of Military Science, call the unit at (978) 665-3126, e-mail or visit (See Military Science Course Descriptions  later in this catalog.)