Master of Arts in Teaching English Studies
Graduate Program Chair
Chola Chisunka, PhD
Graduate Committee
Lisa Gim, PhD | Irene Martyniuk, PhD |
Patrice Gray, PhD | Joseph Moser, PhD |
Michael Hoberman, PhD | Thomas Murray, PhD |
Aruna Krishnamurthy, PhD | Benjamin Railton, PhD |
Frank Mabee, PhD | Kisha Tracy, PhD |
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Program Description
The Master of Arts in Teaching English Studies (MAT) Program is designed to develop the scholar-teacher by combining a strong specialization in the traditional and newer canons of literature in English with the theories and methodologies for teaching English Studies in the middle and secondary schools. A licensure track within this program leads to professional licensure as a teacher of English at the secondary level.
Program Objectives
The Master of Arts in Teaching English Studies (MAT) Program is designed to provide a strong background in English and skills for the complex process of teaching English. The program is designed for students interested in studying the theories, methodologies, and materials for teaching English Studies in the middle and secondary schools, in addition to broadening their knowledge of literature. The MAT program aims to:
- Bridge the gap between cutting-edge scholarship and classroom practice
- Enable practicing teachers to expand strategies for teaching writing through the use of process writing, collaborative writing, and writing on the computer
- Enable practicing teachers to expand strategies for teaching literature through the application of current modes of criticism
- Suggest ways to integrate the voices of women and minorities into the traditional literary canon
MAT in English Studies Licensure Program is designed to provide students with the necessary course work for professional licensure as teachers of English. Students not holding initial licensure take additional course work during their first semesters leading to that level of certification.
Admissions Standards and Criteria
To apply for enrollment in the Master of Arts in Teaching English Studies Program, a student must submit documents as outlined in the Graduate Admissions section as well as:
- An official transcript of a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution, preferably with (but not limited to) a major or minor in English
- Applicants to the MAT in English Studies must submit a copy of their initial teaching license. Applicants without initial licensure may be admitted to the program through the post-baccalaureate program and will be required to complete additional coursework leading to initial licensure.
- Applicants to the MAT in English Studies must complete an essay of no more than one page in response to one of the following statements or questions:
- Tell us about a positive situation in which you helped a person and made a significant difference in that person’s life.
- What are the most important factors in establishing a long-term working relationship with students, friends, etc.?
- Tell us about a significant event that involved you in a teaching or helping role:
Describe the situation as it occurred at the time.
What did you do in that particular situation?
How did you feel about the situation at the time you were experiencing it?
How do you feel about the situation now?
What would you change, if anything?
For more information regarding licensure requirements for teacher preparation programs, contact the Educator Licensure Office at 978-665-3239 or visit their Web site at
Students Seeking Initial Licensure
Students needing initial licensure in English in order to pursue the MAT in English Studies with professional licensure may complete the post baccalaureate certificate program found in the undergraduate program section of this catalog. For more information regarding The Master of Arts in English Studies and The Master of Arts in Teaching English Studies, contact the English Graduate Program Office at (978) 665-3364 or visit their Web site at