Mar 31, 2025  
Fitchburg State University 2024-2025 Graduate Catalog 
Fitchburg State University 2024-2025 Graduate Catalog

Campus Facilities


The Amelia V. Gallucci-Cirio Library

Computer Facilities

Hammond Hall

Computer Science Department

Center for Italian Culture

McKay Arts Academy, Teacher Education Center

Center for Professional Studies

On-Campus Housing

Fitchburg State University Extended Campus Programs

Recreation/Athletic Facilities

Center for Teaching and Learning

Biological Sciences Nature Preserve

Technology Department

Animals on Campus


All students are encouraged to utilize the many campus services and facilities available, including the computer center, athletic facilities, library, and many others. Access to these facilities often requires a valid OneCard, which can be obtained at the OneCard office in the Anthony Student Service Center.

The Amelia V. Gallucci-Cirio Library

The Amelia V. Gallucci-Cirio Library, located in Hammond Hall, is a comprehensive information center with a knowledgeable staff of professional librarians and library assistants dedicated to the educational development of all students, faculty and staff. A wide variety of services and easily-accessible physical and electronic collections promote the interaction between our users and resources available to them. There is easy off-campus access to databases, as well as a wide variety of services for online learning, including research instruction, document delivery, online and phone reference, and research guides. Professional librarians plan, develop, promote, implement, and assess the library’s services as well as its physical and online collections.

Library Services Hours

Regular academic hours are as follows:

  • Monday–Thursday, 7:45 a.m.–11:30 p.m.
  • Friday, 7:45 a.m.–5p.m.
  • Saturdays, noon–5 p.m.
  • Sundays, 1 p.m.–11:30 p.m.

Semester hours, holiday hours, exam hours, winter session hours, and summer hours are posted in the library website


Access to the library’s services are available from any computer on and off-campus via the library web site. Our resources include:

  •  Access to over 700,000 ebooks and print books
  •  Easy access to more than 100,000 full text online periodical titles
  •  Free access to more than 200 electronic online databases representing all  disciplines
  •  Ability to watch over 20,000 streaming films
  •  Digital and physical reserves
  •  Interlibrary loans
  •  Free borrowing privileges with the other Massachusetts public higher education libraries and the libraries of the Worcester Academic & Research Collaborative
  • The Library Instruction Program provides library instruction and workshops for the university community – Faculty can schedule library instruction sessions, course guides and/or an embedded librarian for their on campus, extended campus and distance learning courses.
  • 24/7 Research Help
    • The Research Help Desk is staffed by professional FSU librarians who provide reference and research assistance, including consultations, at the desk and remotely via live chat, phone: (978) 665-3223, online meetings, and email:
    • Live chat service from professional librarians in our Academic Global Cooperative when the Research Help Desk is closed.
  • The Archives and Special Collections houses the university’s records, a number of manuscript collections such as those of Robert Cormier and Robert Salvatore, and special collections such as faculty publications and local history materials with a continually growing digital archives.

Hammond Hall

The Hammond Campus Center serves as a gathering place for both commuter and resident students. The center’s facilities include:

• Amelia V. Gallucci-Cirio Library
• Campus Center Art Gallery
• Campus Information Center
• University Bookstore
• North Street Bistro
• Game Room
• Leadership Commons
• Meeting and Function Rooms
• Office of Student Development and Campus Center
• Offices of the Student Government Association and Fitchburg Activities Board
• The Falcon Hub

Center for Italian Culture

The Center for Italian Culture (CIC) was established in 1999 through an initial grant from Mrs. Amelia V. Gallucci-Cirio, Class of 1938.  The CIC promotes the understanding and appreciation of Italian language and culture.  It also sponsors cultural and special events and offers scholarship support for students at the University throughout the year.  The CIC is located in the Amelia V. Galluci-Cirio Library.

Center for Professional Studies

The Center for Professional Studies (CPS) has offered professional development to working professionals for over a decade, collaborating with school districts, businesses and other professional groups on continuing educational needs. Fitchburg State University believes that excellence in education practice must be supported beyond the conferring of degrees or professional licensure. As such, the CPS is a key element of the university’s total strategy, providing educational opportunities to working professionals during the critical years of induction into their profession and throughout their career.

To help address this goal, the CPS offers an extensive array of high-quality professional development opportunities for educators, business people, healthcare and other working professionals. The activities of the center include graduate courses, workshops and conferences, as well as collaboration with agencies and work force groups to provide consulting and to develop custom programs as needed.  The Center is located at 150B Main Street in Fitchburg providing convenient access to the community.

Fitchburg State University Extended Campus Programs

Extended Campus Programs provide quality educational opportunities to constituents seeking professional development and/or formal study in academic degree programs offered through Fitchburg State University. Working within Graduate and Continuing Education, and collaboratively with faculty, school administrators, industry leaders, and various educational enterprises, Extended Campus Programs coordinate the delivery of undergraduate and graduate courses at off-campus locations.

Currently, Extended Campus Programs has well established collaborative relationships providing degree, programs with ACCEPT Education Collaborative, Adult and Community Education of Martha’s Vineyard,  Catherine Leahy-Brine Educational Consultants, Collaborative for Educational Services (CES), Lowell Public Schools, Massachusetts Association of Vocational Administrators (MAVA). Additionally, professional development courses and institutes are offered through partnerships with school districts, museum schools, educational collaboratives and private entities.

To view the full list of partners vitis the Extended Campus Website.

Center for Teaching and Learning

The Center for Teaching and Learning is dedicated to enhancing the teaching and learning environment at Fitchburg State University through interdisciplinary collaboration.  CTL staff offer a wide variety of faculty professional development opportunities to full-time, tenure-track and adjunct faculty and librarians, including faculty talks on the scholarship of teaching and learning, instructional technology workshops, artists’ presentations, and book signings.  The center is located in Room 212 of the Amelia V. Gallucci-Cirio Library.  Center staff are available at ext. 3832 and via e-mail at The center also maintains a Web site.

Technology Department

The Technology Department is responsible for managing and maintaining all University computers, equipment and associated software, the campus network, residence hall cable television systems, and telecommunication systems.

Help Desk

The IT Help Desk is available to all faculty, staff and students for technology related issues. The Help Desk is located in Conlon Hall, Room 236.  Check out our walk-in hours at You may contact the Help Desk by calling 978-665-4500, Toll Free 866-830-0518.  You can also submit a ticket online by logging onto with your Falcon Key; or by sending an email with your contact information and a description of your issue to


Students at the university are provided a Fitchburg State University email account.  This account serves as your official email account and should be used when conducting business with the University.

Students are provided a email account hosted by Google. Login information is emailed to students’ personal email accounts from the Admissions Office.  Students who do not know their account information or need assistance accessing it can stop by the IT Help Desk in Conlon Hall, Room 236, or call (978) 665-4500 or Toll Free 866-830-0518. 

Network/Wireless Access

Wi-Fi Services

There are two Wi-Fi networks available on campus called FSUwifi and IOT.  All students, staff, and faculty should connect their on-campus devices to these networks.

Please connect mobile phones, computers, and tablets to FSUwifi.  All other devices should be registered and connected to the IOT network.  The ‘Internet of Things’ (IoT) network is dedicated to devices such as smart speakers, Apple TV’s, Fire Sticks, smart assistants like Amazon Echos, gaming consoles, smart TVs, etc. 

In order to keep your computer safe and secure, we recommend you run an updated antivirus and install operating system patches and security updates when available.

For detailed instructions, please visit


The OneCard is the official identification card of Fitchburg State University and issued to every student and employee.  You will find that the OneCard is an essential key to campus
life. Apart from being your official form of identification, it can be used for many other university services. Here are some examples:
• Chartwells dining meal plans
• Library check out of books/equipment
• Recreation Center access/equipment rental
• Computer lab printing
• Student discounts
• Door access to certain secure labs/rooms
• Retail purchases on and off campus
• Admittance to sponsored university events
• MART bus pass

The OneCard also allows you to avoid carrying loose change on campus. Once you have added money onto your OneCard account, it can be used to pay for any of the following:
• Vending machines
• Photocopying
• Postage
• Chartwells Dining
• Campus bookstore
• Weston Box Office
• Campus Center
• Residential Housing Services

For more information about the Fitchburg State University OneCard visit the website at

Computer Facilities

Computer Labs

The hours and locations of open computer labs are listed on the Technology website and are updated each semester. These hours are subject to minor changes due to course additions/deletions and because of individual workshops, training and special classes.  For questions regarding hardware/software support in the open labs contact the Information Technology Help Desk at ext. 4500.

Hammond Instructional Lab

Hours for the Hammond Instructional Lab can vary depending on holidays/vacations. The 35-seat lab functions as an instructional space for library information literacy sessions.  During certain periods it doubles as a quiet study and computing space.  Please check at the circulation desk for availability.  Closing time is one half hour before the library closes.

Library Open Use Computers

The first floor of the library houses 65 open computers and three public printers for patron use.

McKay 162 LAb

McKay 162 features 30 Windows computers and functions as an open lab when there are no classes scheduled. An instructor’s podium is equipped with a computer, a video projector and a sound system. A Ricoh Multi-Function Device and five Windows computers are located in the hallway across from Room 154 and are available for general student use.

The Adaptive Computer Lab

The Adaptive Computer Lab is available to provide students who are registered with the Disability Services Office with alternate access to technology. The lab is located in the Disability Services Office, Suite 303, in the Hammond Campus Center and has a variety of technology resources that are available for student use. Some examples of software, equipment and services available through the lab include:

Software and equipment
• Text to speech software (screen readers)
• Screen magnification software
• CCTV (for magnification of text)
• Organizational software
• Voice recognition software
• Alternate input devices
• Adapted keyboards
• Ergonomic workstations

• Conversion of print materials (for example, text to Braille, electronic text, large print)

For specific information about lab resources and hours, or to arrange a training, please contact Disability Services at (978) 665-4020 or

Computer Science Department

The Computer Science Department has additional equipment dedicated for use in that discipline, including:
• Electronic hardware and prototyping equipment to support both analog and digital laboratories
• Small microprocessor systems that allow students to work on design experiments that would be impossible or, at least impractical, on larger computer systems
• Computer networks and labs including Macintosh workstations and Intel PCs with Windows

This provides students with state-of-the-art systems and design equipment currently being used in industry. These computer laboratories also provide the students with access to the Internet as well as a Web server for developing their own Web pages.

McKay Arts Academy, Teacher Education Center

The McKay Arts Academy serves as the Teacher Education Center at Fitchburg State University as well as a K-4 public elementary school for the city of Fitchburg and a 5-8 middle school arts academy pilot school. This dual mission adds a uniqueness to the teaching and learning atmosphere at McKay. This collaboration with higher education is a partnership that brings professionals together in our school setting to share:
• responsibility for the preparation of new teachers
• the professional development of experienced classroom teachers
• the professional development of university faculty serving as teacher educators
• the support of research directed at improvement of practice
• enhanced student learning for our elementary students

On-Campus Housing

A variety of resident housing options are available for students who choose to live on campus. The seven campus residence halls provide housing for more than 1,550 students.  All residence halls are centrally located to classrooms, offices, the library, computer laboratories, auditoriums, and the Hammond Campus Center. Situated adjacent to the residence halls is Holmes Dining Commons, where various meal plans are offered to residence hall students. For specific information on resident housing, please refer to the Housing and Residential Services section of the catalog.

Recreation/Athletic Facilities

Fitchburg State University has a wide range of indoor and outdoor athletic and recreational facilities.

Recreation Center: The recreation facility includes the following amenities:

• A 1,000 seat NCAA basketball/volleyball arena

• Three teaching stations/intramural courts

• Suspended jogging track

• 25 yard, six lane swimming pool

• A dance/aerobics studio

• Fitness Center (circuit weight machines, free weight machines, and cardiovascular machines)

• Two racquetball/handball courts

• Classrooms

• Exercise Science Laboratory

• Sports Medicine Center

• Teaching stations

• Locker rooms, laundry, and storage areas

• Athletic Department offices

• Recreation Services offices

Athletic Complex: Located on Pearl Hill Road, the athletic complex is easily assessed by a walking path from the Wallace Civic Center at Fitchburg State University parking lot on John Fitch Highway. The facility includes Robert Elliot Field, a state-of-the-art synthetic turf field which serves as the practice and competition site for field hockey, football, women’s lacrosse, and men’s and women’s soccer. The field is surrounded by an 8-lane chem-turf track. Additional facilities in the complex include locker rooms, an athletic training facility, a natural grass practice field and the Michael Riccards Baseball Field.

George Wallace Civic Center at Fitchburg State University: The ice hockey team practices and competes at the Civic Center on John Fitch Highway.

Carmelita Landry Arena: Adjacent to the George Wallace Civic Center, the Landry Arena houses the strength and conditioning facility for student athletes and an indoor athletic practice facility.

McKay Arts Academy: Some intramural events are held in the gymnasium at the campus school.

The Intercollegiate Athletics Department schedules the use of all campus athletic facilities.

Biological Sciences Nature Preserve

The Nadine Martel Nature Preserve consists of 3.2 acres of land adjacent to the McKay Campus School on Rindge Road.  The parcel was given to the university in 1999 by Nadine Cookman Martel of Fitchburg for use as an environmental laboratory in undergraduate ecology and graduate mammalogy coursework. Students have access to an ideal stream habitat for research in limnology, botany and ornithology.  Outdoor Recreation in the Montachusett Area The name Montachusett is a conglomeration of the names for the three mountains that surround the university. Mt. Monadnock, Mt. Watatic, and Mt. Wachusett offer trails for hiking and slopes for skiing. Students are encouraged to take advantage of this rugged terrain with free rentals of cross-country skis, canoes, and tents from the Student Activities office.

Animals on Campus

Due to health and safety considerations, pets are not are allowed in campus buidlings. Reasonable exceptions are made for service, assistance, emotional support and laboratory animals.